Climbing To Heaven One Video At A Time

​Jonathan Cahn 
​Messianic Rabbi 
Jonathan puts a whole ‘nother spin on “born again” with his deeply rooted Judaic Heritage.  He is a direct decendent of Aaron, brother of Moses, of the priestly tribe of Levi.  
​The Vatican
​The One True Church?
I am, truly, not here to attack the Catholic Church.  But there are too many things which deeply concern me.  If you read “My Story” you know that I questioned things, from a very young age, that didn’t make sense .  I’m sharing and you may do with this as you will. However, If you are here, I believe you are lost and looking around.  Maybe this will help. 
From ? To Christian 
I have tried to provide a variety of testimonies, from various belief systems.  Personally, I never lost God, but I definitely was never taught the full message of Redemption and Salvation. I was taught that Mother Church was the only way to heaven.  So wrong. 
​Prosperity Preachers
Steer Clear! 
​These are only a very few examples of the “bad teach”.  There is a lot of this out there. I am barely scratching the surface in covering Joel Olsteen, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Joyce Meyer and Rick Warren.  They skip past the important truths in Christianity, and sell “feel good” messages that leave people sadly uneducated.  Their preaching is uncomfortably close to the dangerous “Law of Attraction” New Age religion.  While the Catholic Church claims divine right to make Canon Law and only sharing half the message of the Cross, these preachers are just as guilty in their biblical cherry picking. 
​A note about the Old Testament
It is important to keep in mind that many of the Biblical movies are of the Old Testament stories. They are often romanticized, but the basic message of the story will hold true. It is a good way to get familiar with Biblical history. The Old Testament is the story of all creation and the bringing forth of a special nation favored by God. It is gritty, sometimes shocking, and, above all, honest. For this is the Word of God. No one and nothing is spared. These are a people who struggled to honor their God, and often failed. For me, this is enough proof that the Bible is literal truth. Often, it is not a pretty story. But it is full of prophecy, promise and inspiration. This is faithful history. God cannot and will not lie. 
Sitting back with a movie can help to bring an understanding to a Bible Story. This is an entertaining way to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of God’s Word. Documentaries are also helpful.  Some are listed here, as they are longer and more in depth than many of the quick soundbytes we get used to.
Watch on a smart tv, if you have one. You may be more comfortable, and you can easily share with family and friends. Just do a quick search on YouTube.  Happy viewing!