Time to start a wonderful journey! 
Below I have linked videos from my favorite teachers, and some extra odds and ends. 
This barely scratches the surface, but should give you a good start and familiarize you with the various teaching styles.  Feel free to ignore the “commercial” segments offering additional teachings.  You can get everything you need for FREE!  Please keep yourself open to this message of salvation! 
​Click the pix to go to videos.

​I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse, and
all peoples on earth will be blessed 
through you. Gen 12: 1-3  
Please consider adding the free app, “Red Alert:Israel” button.  You will receive an alert whenever 
Israel is attacked.  
And please, pray for Israel.  That
nation is still God’s chosen people. 
All study and viewing materials on this website are linked to outside sources.  These materials may be moved or deleted from time to time.  If you come across any dead links, please email recoveringcatholic.  I will update or replace as needed.  Thank you!   ​
Dr. Robert Parker
If you want or need to approach this from a very scientific standpoint, start here.  I encourage you to search YouTube for the many videos that prove science and the Bible are completely compatible, particularily the uploads of the show “Origins” on the YouTube Cornerstone Television Network
Hal Lindsey 
End Times Prophecy
“Yesterday’s Prophesies, Today’s Headlines”
Author of “There’s a New World Coming”, this is the man who brought me to the Lord. Here is a small sample of his teachings. You can see more at hallindsey.com, and watch weekly broadcasts on TBN and Daystar.
Dr. Chuck Missler
Bible Study
The most excellent in Bible Study! Begin with a quick overview of the Bible by working through the first playlist “Learn the Bible in 24 hours”. Then go deeper with individual books, physics, science,
time-space and more. 
D. May 2018
Dr. Missler’s seminars remain on YouTube. 
Ron Wyatt
Found Noah’s Ark, Red Sa Crossing artifacts, The Ark of the Covenant and more.  I believe this man
(D. 1999) was used by God to unearth these evidences of His Biblical Truth, and wake up the world.  Peter 2:3-9 
We are in the End Times. You decide. 
Creation vs. Evolution
Intelligent Design or Primordial Soup?

Taught via a scientific vew, with additional entertaining videos about the biblical view of creation, dinosaurs, and an interesting “person on the street”  interview style documentary
about atheism.  
Science and God... 
Not at odds. 

An in depth look at the most important book of the Bible 
which will earn you a special blessing,  
​A Video Study